To those who believe that this article has something to do with the popular Indian sport – Cricket, I am afraid I have bad news is for you. This has nothing to do with it; it’s a bit more drastic. It’s more regarding life and death. The capital of GOD’s own Country, Thiruvananthapuram has an AQI reading of 104. For those who are not familiar with the term AQI stands for Air Quality Index which is a scale of how polluted the air of a particular place is; the higher the number, the higher the pollution content and our beloved province have crossed the 100 mark. To put this in perspective and to imply its relevance – the AQI of metropolitan cities such as Bangalore and Chennai have a lower number.
If you have already started to panic then I honestly commend you, as I was in your same shoe when I first heard about this but my life was turned for the better when I was introduced to a marvellous invention called ‘portable oxygen concentrator’. These portable oxygen purifiers are handy and extremely useful, not to mention lifesaving in the long run. So the next time you see a sign that says ‘oxygen concentrators for rent’ in Trivandrum, do step in; it might just save your life.
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