In today’s edition, I am going to explain to why you cannot run that extra meter or why you cannot push hard for that goal when your team is down. It’s the air. The air we breathe is polluted and our body is struggling to keep up with the contaminants in the air. How many of you know that the AQI reading of our beloved district, Thiruvananthapuram has reached 104. For those who are not familiar with the term AQI, it stands for Air Quality Index which is a scale of how polluted the air of a particular place is; the higher the number, the higher the pollution content and right now Thiruvananthapuram has a higher reading than some metropolitan cities including Bangalore and Chennai.
The ideal solution for this above-mentioned stamina problem is by making use of portable oxygen purifiers or portable oxygen concentrators which help filter out the pollutants and ensure we breathe fresh air. The use of these devices need not be restricted to just sports, we, in fact, need one of these in our daily lives. So the next time you see a sign that says ‘oxygen concentrators for rent’ in Trivandrum, do step in; it might just save your life.
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