Many of us forget the fact that we were bestowed the name ‘GOD’s own Country’ not just for our lush forests, breathtaking mountains and sun-kissed beaches. It was because the waters and the air we breathe are of the purest form. Safe to say that is no longer the case. Our waters are extremely polluted and our skies even more so. A simple statistic to be noted is that our beloved Thiruvananthapuram has an AQI reading of 104. For those who are not familiar with the term AQI, it stands for Air Quality Index which is a scale of how polluted the air of a particular place is; the higher the number, the higher the pollution content and right now the capital of GOD’s country has a reading higher than some metropolitan cities including Bangalore and Chennai. We brought this upon ourselves with unsupervised factories and automobiles being launched into the state.
Not to sound like a doom bringer but our waters and skies are well beyond redemption. Tackling the water problem was fairly straightforward, we process the water and package them and I strongly believe the air we breathe needs to be followed the same principle. We have invented a nifty device known as portable oxygen concentrators which help filter out the pollutants and ensure we breathe fresh air. Many of the citizens are not aware of such a creation nor that wearing one such device might just save their life in the long run. So the next time you see a sign that says ‘oxygen concentrators for rentand and oxygen purifier’ in Trivandrum, do step in; it might just save your life.
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