Let me start off by saying that affordable housing and transport is necessary, so is jobs for the youth and a new Technocity. All these are the latest advancements that the capital of GOD’s own Country, Thiruvananthapuram has in their agenda books. But do you know what else is important, the air we breathe. Why this is a topic that needs to be addressed immediately is because the AQI reading of our beloved district has reached 104. For those who are not familiar with the term AQI, it stands for Air Quality Index which is a scale of how polluted the air of a particular place is; the higher the number, the higher the pollution content and right now Thiruvananthapuram has a higher reading than some metropolitan cities including Bangalore and Chennai.
Humans always had a fascinating way of solving the problems they created and the pollution of the air was our fault completely as we failed to check the pollution levels the factories and cars emit and now we are searching for methods for this solution. The most stable solution that we have come up is the sale of portable oxygen concentrators. These portable oxygen purifiers are handy and extremely useful, not to mention lifesaving in the long run. They help filter out the pollutants and ensure we breathe fresh air. Now you might have thought “why are we buying bottled oxygen?”, ofcourse this is the same way people thought when the first bottled water was introduced to sale and now we have one in every table in every restaurant.
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