There needs to be no doubt in anybody’s mind that our humble nation has always been on a steady increase with respect to a lot of things. The unemployment rates are increasing, the fuel prices, farmer suicides and our Kerala didn’t want to be left behind and decided to increase something as well. The decision all of us together made was to increase our AQI, For those who are not familiar with the term AQI stands for Air Quality Index which is a scale of how polluted the air of a particular place is; the higher the number, the higher the pollution content and the capital of GOD’s own Country, Thiruvananthapuram has crossed the 100 mark. We have an AQI reading of 104. This number means that our skies are more polluted than some metropolitan cities including Bangalore and Chennai.
But there is a way to solve this crisis and that is to increase the sales of portable oxygen concentrators. These portable oxygen purifiers are handy and extremely useful, not to mention lifesaving in the long run. They help filter out the pollutants and ensure we breathe fresh air. Of course there is the alternative of actually fixing the problem and that would mean no automobile should run within the entire province of Thiruvananthapuram for nearly a whole year, but because we don’t live in the Ideal world, we have to be selfish and protect ourselves and our family and therefore the next time you see a sign that says ‘oxygen concentrators for rent’ in Trivandrum, do step in; it might just save your life.
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